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By - Philip Harman

Body Weights Exercises

Body Weights Exercises

Most of the people think that they cannot build lean muscle mass with Body Weights Exercises in the comfort of their own home. There is this notion that you must go to a gym, and you must lift heavy weights to put on muscle mass. This is completely false. This is something that no muscle magazine or supplement company wants you to know. Your body doesn’t know how much weight it’s lifting. All it understands is stress. When you lift weights, you’re breaking the muscle down.

When your body tries to rebuild itself, it needs nutrients to build itself up stronger and bigger. That’s how mass gain works – not with some super secret workout or supplement. This is the truth that has allowed me to put on more lean muscle and burn more fat at home with body weight training than with any gym workout. So, the key to adding muscle mass with body weight exercises is to break down lean muscle mass so that it can be rebuilt stronger and bigger. How do you do that? There are two ways – difficult exercises and high intensity techniques.


Now, you shouldn’t be going around saying that you can’t put on lean muscle with bodyweight training if you can’t even do 5pullups, 10 pushups, and 20 bodyweight squats. That is absolutely ridiculous. Do you really think that going from 1 pullup to 5 pullups isn’t going to make your body stronger and bigger?

Take a look at what gymnasts do. They perform a lot of difficult exercises at a high intensity level. You don’t need to do what gymnasts do to get a great looking body. I’m just using gymnasts as an example. Even if you do a fraction of what gymnasts do, you’ll be able to develop an amazing body.

The main Body Weights Exercises for the upper body is dips. They work the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Like the other exercises, dips can be very challenging. Many people find that they place some extra pressure on their shoulders, so listen to your body if you are doing dips on a regular basis. Also, if you have difficulty holding up your full body weight, you can perform them on a bench.

Body weight training attacks the muscle at a much deeper level than weights, thereby giving you a greater ‘functional strength” The person who does a set of pull-ups, for example, works the back and arms far more than a person who uses the lat pulldown machine. What’s more, the person doing the pull-ups will be able to use the lat machine no problem. The reverse is not true.

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