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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Are there any vitamin supplements that will give me all the major vitamins in one supplement?

Question by Tyler T: Are there any vitamin supplements that will give me all the major vitamins in one supplement?
I was wondering if there were any vitamin pills that have pretty much all vitamins in one. I was looking for just one pill that had all major vitamins in it so i would not have to take very many pills.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Patrick V. Suglia
I am never a fan of the lucrative “multivitamins”. The more vitamins you pack into one little tablet, the less amount you have of each. Besides, I tell my patients they really don’t need vitamins unless a metabolic profile test shows that they have a deficiency of a particular vitamin, which is rare anyway.

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