Are MLMs/Network Marketing companies a morally acceptable way to make money?
Question by Minkow: Are MLMs/Network Marketing companies a morally acceptable way to make money?
Are they and will they continue to be legitamate?
People can make money in an MLM, undeniably. The moral issue is: Where is the money coming from? Selling product? Then why not sell the same product in the “real world”?
One could argue that you build a residual income from sales through building a network. Most of the compensation plans highly favor the recruiting side.
Best answer:
Answer by Darren
I guess it depends on how you define the word Moral. Websters defines moral as “right or wrong”, but of course they don’t define what right is or what wrong is. That of course is the problem.
The bottom line is that it’s a matter of opinion.
Some say porn in not a moral way to make money.
Others say that it is.
Some say gambling is not a moral way to make money (I mean for the casino owner or the state who is running a lottery).
Others say that it is.
If it is legal, then is it moral? To some yes, others say no.
How about abortion? Moral? It’s certainly legal. Many people think it is very immoral. Others think it’s just fine.
So the answer is that it’s all up to your opinion. There will always be some who think it’s immoral and others who think it’s perfectly moral.
If you want my opinion I say MLM is moral as long as the MLM company is “honest” about “all” of the details on how it works. Many MLM companies only give you sugar coated information and hide the down side. This in my opinion is immoral. It’s not the MLM that’s immoral, but the dishonesty about the MLM.
MLM is in my view “semi” legitimate for the reasons I just gave above.
I think MLM is a terrible way to make a living.
I think MLM is generally a bad idea all the way around and I would heavily advise anyone to stay away from it all together.
Good luck to you.
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