Are liquid vitamins & minerals better for you than a handfil of tablets?
Question by Firefly11702: Are liquid vitamins & minerals better for you than a handfil of tablets?
I have trouble swallowing pills and was told that liquid vitamins are easier to take and more easily absorbed into your system than pills. Which one is best? How much do they cost?
Best answer:
Answer by ziggy
Yes and no.
Liquids are definitely easier to swallow and are absorbed into your system QUICKER (not more easily).
They are, however, not so readily available.
Perhaps the most famous of these would be one called “Mon Ami” . It is taken once a day and people swear by it. It costs about $ 150. a bottle (about the size of a bottle of wine). I tried it for a few months and it DID make me feel great but could no longer afford it.
Hope this helps.
I wish you well.
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