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By - Philip Harman

Any significant difference in using liquid vitamins or pills?

Question by Diet Guru: Any significant difference in using liquid vitamins or pills?
I use a liquid vitamin called first step because I don’t like the after taste of pill vitamins. I have heard stories on both sides of the vitamin debate for each version. Any more have any hard evidence?

Best answer:

Answer by Celaeno
Liquid vitamins are, fortunately, proven to be more effective because the liquid form makes it easier for your body to absorb the vitamins. In a pill form, it has to be broken down in the stomach to obtain the vitamins, and unless you eat the vitamins with food then your bioabsorption rate will be low, though liquid vitamins have fairly high bioavailability.

Of course, there is still much debate about which one is more effective, but I have to say that whichever one you are taking, you are at least getting some or most of your daily essential vitamins by making an effort to take vitamins in some form.

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