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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Any fresh ideas for entertaining an 11-month old boy? I am a stay at home/work at home Mom!?

Question by MMM: Any fresh ideas for entertaining an 11-month old boy? I am a stay at home/work at home Mom!?
I am lucky enough to run my husband’s successful business as office manager from home while watching my very bright and precocious almost-walking 11 month old son. So far, everything’s been rosy and he seems ahead of the pack developmentally. However, I worry about him getting bored now when I’m working on the computer or on a business call. He is self-soothing and plays well by himself with no whining. He socializes well with other children on play dates and at the local playground. I just need some neat ideas about new things I can expose him to inside the house–things I can play at with him and things he can work on by himself. He’s not ready to draw yet, however–I tried crayons and he still wants to eat them! I am also an older and educated Mom and he’s my first child. We have tons of toys for him–I’m really looking for some more creative solutions for those periods I need to be at my desk. Hope you can help!
Someone objected, so–the father of my son is not my husband–yet. He is my fiance and we have been together for more than 5 years. We’re getting married next year. I’ll admit, sometimes I say “husband” because it’s easier and it’s what the world expects–we have 2 other children (my stepsons) who call me Mom and I handle all of their school stuff. My fiance and I feel and operate as though we are married–we are just both previously divorced and haven’t felt pressured to marry quickly–though having a child together and me having a different last name has become increasingly difficult. I apologize if my slip offended anyone. It was not intended to.

Best answer:

Answer by Danielle
My son is 11 months too and I go to school online so im at my desk too. I put him in his walker some so he learns to walk. Then I have an extra room w/ brand new carpet in it (so its clean) I scatter his toys out on the floor and he plays all by himself! He loves that room. Make sure its safe for him tho. His own room w/ toys helped me out. Try putting toys in there that he can climb up on (to help w/ his walking)good luck and have fun!

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