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By - Philip Harman

All about Foreign Money exchange

All about Foreign Money exchange

Exchanging currencies is a common exercise these days, especially in the corporate world when you are dealing beyond the boundaries of your country foreign money exchange comes into picture and not only on big business transaction level but even when you are travelling for business or leisure for that matter you need that countries money and the money exchange is the process through which you get it.


You can go to any country with your domestic currency and get it exchanged there with their currency and in case you are left with some extra foreign cash you can get exchanged for your domestic currency. One thing you have to make sure is to declare the total money you are carrying or else it will be added into the “Black Money” account and that’s not good. There are number of ways can happen


Traveller’s cheque


Using your Debit card or credit card


Foreign money exchange banks


Prepaid Travel Money card




These are some of the ways how domestic currency can be used in a foreign country. You should be very particular while spending money overseas as you are dealing with an unfamiliar currency and you might end up spending more than what you planned. There are few things to be kept in mind while exchanging foreign currency.


Always use secure and reliable way for the process.


Be clear on terms & conditions


At all times be updated about the exchange rate of the currency you are dealing with


Make sure to declare your money properly in case you are travelling overseas.


Avoid using Travellers check


Keep an account of every spending



Keeping these things in mind will make it easy for you to do the foreign money exchange and still there are lots of resources to help you on this the best amongst all would be your bank, discuss with them in detail about your scenario and they will be the best guide for you. Banks play a measure role in this exchange process after all they are the people dealing with all the money. Just check in case your bank has an international branch in the same country or some kind of business tie up with a local bank there, this will solve everything as you can just use your regular debit card there and don’t have to get into the actual exercise of exchanging the money and if you are not travelling and using the service for your business deals make sure that your bank has complete and thorough knowledge about the exchange market in fact they should have a special department for it. It will make your life easy treat them as your exchange partners and not just a bank.

The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Paypal Customer Service and Investment Banking Analyst.

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