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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Affiliate Marketing- How quickly can one start making money?

Question by curiousmsichana: Affiliate Marketing- How quickly can one start making money?
I’ve heard that you can make money from affiliate Marketing. Is it worth pursuing? Is it the same as blogging? What is the best way to make money and how much can you make per month?

Best answer:

Answer by Helen N
I have never made money with affiliate marketing. It is not blogging, but can certainly be intergrated into a blog.

Affiliate marketing is linking to items such as from amazon to your website. If someone buys an item from amazon that came from your site, you get a percentage of that sale.

So you have to aggressively advertise your site in order for people to come to it. Then it’s up to the person to actually complete a purchase.

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