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By - Philip Harman

45 Tips to Protecting Your Money During & After an Economic Crisis

45 Tips to Protecting Your Money During & After an Economic Crisis

The current economic crisis is making everyone think about how to protect their money and the financial security of their family. Here are 45 tips to protect your money during and after an economic crisis. These tips have been taken from Surviving the Debt Crisis.

If you wish to achieve real wealth, focus on acquiring assets that are valued by other people. Concentrate on allocating you money across different types of assets, including some whose value might rise where others that you have face a fall in their value.
Decide whether you might be better off making extra mortgage payments or putting that money into investments.
Be careful with investments; do not fall for flattery or let yourself be convinced by claims that their past performance is necessarily a true indicator of future prospects.
If you get plenty of money, it is advisable that you invest the entire amount at once and not with intervals between. Diversify your investments as suggested in Point 1.
Making big investments just to avoid taxes is a decision that requires careful consideration and access to premium, probably high-cost professional advice.
If you plan to studying in college, compare the college saving plans to find those which give you the best options.
Coins are “little savings”, so do not spend them. Try saving coins and use the paper currency; you will see that you have effortlessly saved more by the end of the month.
Buy a house only when you are willing to move into it immediately and live for at least a minimum of five years.
Instead of hiring young members of your own family or giving them a portion of your money when they are young, place your inheritance into a trust until your minors are sensible enough to handle the money.
Supermarket coupons can be a great help, provided you know the right way of using them.
Do not run after high returns without considering that ‘A great reward may have a greater risk’.
Have you noticed people who buy lottery tickets each day? Buying more tickets does not significantly increase your chance of a major prize but inflates your risky investment significantly.
Both parents working may seem to be necessary at the moment, but you may not think so if you calculate the extra expenses involved such as lunch, commuting, wardrobe, childcare, etc.
Be careful which pension plan you opt for. Check that the agent is not selling you insurance instead of a pension.


Check out your life insurance policy and whether it is a good investment. Remember, an insurance policy is to protect you and not just for the company and their agent to profit from you.
Maintaining your investments through all cycles is the key to being invested in the right time. This may make your success rate higher rather than investing and then withdrawing from time to time because of the fees and other costs at each change.
Avoid using a credit card as much as possible, because you end up spending extra with it. Instead, you can go for a charge card, which makes you pay what you spend each month.
When you plan to buy a home, go for a buyer-broker. Realtors are the ones who represent the seller, unless you are hiring a buyer-broker who is the one who represents you.
Investing the same amount regularly is said to be the best way of using dollar cost averaging.
Instead of a fifteen-year mortgage plan, go for a thirty-year mortgage if the longer mortgage means lower monthly payments and a higher tax deduction.
Consider applying for a systematic withdrawal plan rather than applying for bonds if this will provide a steady flow of income even after your retirement.
Check that your bank accounts are insured federally. The FDIC, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protects deposits up to around two hundred fifty thousand dollars per person. If you have, more than the secured amount, you may spread it through various banks.
If you want annuities, consider sticking to the variable and not the fixed type. A fixed annuity has a fixed return but a variable annuity gives you a chance to earn the full return.
Grandparents often plan college funds for their grandchildren but, I believe that this requires very careful thought beforehand.
Do not purchase a mutual fund just because it is highly rated. Different funds, even a mutual fund that has just a single star may do exceptionally well in certain periods.
The money that you may need in the next two years must be cash or fairly easy to convert to cash. The stock market is not a place to store the money that you might need immediately.
You can invest globally, not just in the U.S.A. exchanges.
Keep a careful eye on your family budget; try to reduce your expenses, curtail your restaurant meals and other un-necessary expenses that may cause a future burden.
When you want financial advice, only accept it from a registered investment advisor. A stockbroker is not the right person to advise you on your general finances.
Write a check for yourself and save it first. This is an efficient, almost painless, way of saving.
Do not include your child’s name is investments or bank accounts; this may mean that your other children might be disinherited and might cause tax problems.
When you sell a home, go to a qualified realtor and get referrals from people you trust.
Do not buy real estate investments with borrowed funds.
Stopping your PMI when you have around 20% of the equity on your home left might save many hundreds of dollars.
Buying mortgage life insurance should be considered carefully. Separate insurance might be a better option.
If you contribute to a nondeductible IRA account is not a great idea, maintain a proper record or you may suffer serious losses.
If you are 62 years of age now, you may be able to take a social security instead of waiting until you are 65.
Money handling processes have changed, so do not stick to how your parents handled their money.
While getting a pension, consider choosing a lump sum option where you can take control of your money and your future.
While leasing the car, consider not paying for the cap cost reduction and perhaps get gap insurance instead.
Saving money in your child’s name may not be a good idea. You will have to part with the money once your child turns 18 or 21.
Instead of saving for your children’s college costs, consider starting to save for your own retirement first.
Investing in a QTIP trust might be a good way of protecting your kids and spouse.
Consider taking a policy that provides five or six years benefits instead of investing in long-term care insurance.
Do not panic or worry; this will take you nowhere. It is not necessary that you take in all the gloom that the media throw at you.

Learn how to better protect you and your family in the current crisis, with this informative and easy to understand e-guide to Surviving the Debt Crisis.

Craig Maugham is a pen name. Craig has a background in research and reporting but felt that the subject and content of this book was too controversial to be released under his own name.

The author has done his best to provide a balanced account of how the crisis developed and gather the best information and theories, from a wide range of sources, about how to survive the current situation and be better placed to thrive in the future.

He believes that much of what is written about the situation is colored by personal or institutional bias.

Craig says, “The size and urgency of the current situation makes people suspicious and likely to react strongly against anyone that expresses a view which they do not agree with. This could affect the public perception of myself and the various organizations which employ me from time to time.”

“I hope that all readers will find the material helpful with the decisions and plans which we all need to make so that we cannot just survive this crisis, but thrive into the future.”

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