4 Methods To Quickly & Easily Make Money With Your Hobby
4 Methods To Quickly & Easily Make Money With Your Hobby
For some people, one of the best ways to enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon is to create cloth dolls. For many others, they would find more enjoyment drawing action figures, or, making handmade books from recycled materials, or maybe good o’le scrapbooking.
But there is one thing thing that I venture to say will always bring a smile to someone’s face and that is making money. And, what more pleasure it is to make money engaging in your hobby and favorite past times. Right?
In this article, we are going to look at four ways in which you can make money online with your hobbies, passions, and/or interests. It doesn’t matter if you like to experiment with mexican cuisines or you enjoy putting together jig saw puzzles. You will be able to pick up a few tips on how that very passion can bring you extra cash over and over again. So, let’s jump right into it.
Forum Marketing. If you spend a lot of your time on forums pertaining to your hobby and building up friendships, then why not make some moolah while you’re there. In most forums, you can add your signature at the bottom of the post. Now, what you’re going to do is sell a product relevant to the interest of the readers. It can be your own product or that of a vendor in which you are paid a commission. Everytime you make a post, your signature link shows up. People click on it. Ca-ching!
Yahoo Answers. Do you have a yahoo answers account? If not, go and sign up for one. What you’re going to do is answer questions that people ask about topics on, for example, learn a new language fast, or the best ways to grow tomatos, or caring for ferrets. You can add in your answers a link that leads to buy a product that pays you a commission. This product pays you a commission per sale, of course.
Be careful not to add an promotions link to every answer you provide because you will get banned. So, for every 10 answer you give, you can add a promotions link. Build up your reputation as one who provides good, useful, and helpful FREE information so that the moderators will see that you are not some spammer just looking to make a quick buck.
Associated Content. If you like to write, then you’re going to love writing and submitting hobby articles to AssociatedContent.com. You can write articles on topics like stained glass making or how about beading jewelry. Oh, wait! I got it. Why not write an article on how to create dazzling gift baskets?
Yeah, I bet that would grab the attention of many eyeballs. You will be paid for your articles and there is no limit to how many articles you write. If they are good, quality articles and meet the guidelines and requirements of the site, then you will be paid. Simple as that. Also, you can get paid for submitting your articles to Helium.com as well.
: Information Seller. Well, the proper name is Information Publisher. Can you teach your fellow hobbyists how to cross stitch? If so, then you’ve got a product inside you that needs to come out and get to selling on the internet. People pay good money for information and hobby enthusiasts are no different. You can get in front of these people and make a lot of money giving them what they want. It starts with a basic website with an order button.
In this article we looked at four ways in which you can make money with your hobbies, passions, and/or interests. Let’s recap: Method 1, Forum marketing. Method 2, Yahoo Answers. Method 3, AssociatedContent.com & Helium.com. And, Method 4, Selling hobby information online. To learn more, Click Me or visit:http://www.Making-Extra-Income.info
Jane Austin Boss enjoys writing articles that teaches people how to make money with their hobby, passions, and/or interests. To learn more, Click Here!