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By - Philip Harman

101 Body Weight Exercises To Shrink Belly Fat

101 Body Weight Exercises To Shrink Belly Fat

What a perfect weekend to spend outside.  Yesterday, Nikki (Husky dog)and I went strolling around the park on a gorgeous afternoon with the temperature around 63 Farenheit (16 Celcius).

While Nikki was chassing squirles, taking a dip in the river, I thought of how it would be a perfect day for outdoor body weight training and shrink my belly fat.

In order to have a bikini belly to die for, you will have to work your belly muscles.  You won’t have a firm belly without working out.  I wish there was a simple way to shrink belly fat but the truth is you won’t see results by sitting on the couch.

These NO-equipment workouts are perfect if you are just looking for bodyweight workout programs you can do at home, in a hotel room, at the beach, or while at a playground, this is the ULTIMATE No-Equipment Bodyweight Workout to shrink belly fat and get the body you deserve.


This time of the year is perfect to exercise outside.  The weather is perfect for Phase 3 of the 6-month TT Body Weight Manual – Workout A.

Body Weight Exercise substitutions:

– For 1B, put your feet on steps instep of the ball

– For 3A, do 1-Leg RDL’s instead of 1-leg curl

-For 5B, do mountain climbers instead of the jacknife

1A) Prisoner Squat (15 reps)
1B) Feet on Ball Pushup (12 reps)
2A) Bulgarian Split Squat (12 reps)
2B) Chin-up (Max-1)
3A) Stability Ball 1-Leg Curl (10 reps)
3B) Spiderman Pushup (6 reps)
4A) Walking Lunge (15 reps)
4B) Side Plank Leg Lift (8 reps)
5A) Rotate Lunge (10 reps)
5B) Stability Ball Jackknife (15 reps)

You can finish with intervals, or do intervals the next day when you have a day off from body weight exercies.

This program is perfect to shrink belly fat at home, the gym and even in a park.

Above is only a part of the program.  If you want the whole program, you can get it plus Body Weight Cardio 3, Plus the TT Bodyweight Cardio 1000 for an unbelievable low price which ends Friday at midnight.

The price goes up Friday at midnight.  You will never see this incredible offer again.

Don’t miss this incredible offer and you’ll be able to shrink belly fat and build muscles even at the park.

Judy Doiron is an online researcher on the subject of how to permanently Shrink Belly Fat.

You can find more insights and groundbreaking research into how people all over the world are working out. 101 Body Weight Exercises at an incredible price until Friday at midnight.

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