♥ Are there any all natural vitamins/supplements that are designed to increase serotonin levels in the brain?
Question by ♥Beans 4Brains™ Vodka Martini II: ♥ Are there any all natural vitamins/supplements that are designed to increase serotonin levels in the brain?
Where would i find these type of products? I did not see anything remotely similar at various Heath Food Stores or in the general Vitamin/Diet area of regular food stores.
Thanks. xoxo ♥
Thanks everyone who answered. (I did not thumbsdown anyone!) xoxo ♥
RC … you are ALWAYS a help! xoxo
These answers were helpful … but the reason that i am interested in such a supplement is because i am trying to find an all natural way to relieve symptoms of ADHD, not necessarily depression.
Common to ADHD is an excess of or high levels of dopamine in the brain. Amphetamines and narcotics (that are generally prescribed for ADD/HD) increase levels of dopamine and alleviate some of the symptoms – it sort’ve has a calming effect – but it is the increase in serotonin levels also (not necessarily dopamine levels) that help to relieve symptoms. I do not take amphetamines/narcotics. I will not. (And I really don’t need to! Ask anyone who knows me LOL!!)
But such is the reason behind my question. I am wanting an all natural supplement to help calm the symptoms of adhd WITHOUT having the same effects of amphetamines on my body.
Anti-depressants do not work well.
Does that make sense? Thanks. ♥
Best answer:
Answer by diamonds24
fish oil can help with depression. i think you need to take quite a lot but try googling it.
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