Showing: 31 - 33 of 45 Articles

STARTING OVER – Motivational Video

Videos inspiring E-Learning How To video Every story has an end. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning. LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE I just hope this video will be helpful for somebody. Thank you and don’t forget to share,to motivate and inspire another people! =================================================================== This thing helped me …

Motivational video

Videos inspiring E-Learning How To video How does the modern middle class Englishman motivate himself to do more? Here I run an experiment in the power of embarrassment. Support me on Patreon: More ranty videos here: A bit rambling, this one, even by my standards, but it seems that people actually prefer the longer …

PROVE THEM WRONG – Motivational Video

Videos inspiring E-Learning How To video There will be haters, doubters, non-believers,and then there will be you,proving them.wrong. LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE I made this video for people who need to be motivated. I hope will be helpful. Thank you and don’t forget to share,to motivate and inspire another people! =================================================================== This …