Internet has now become a hub for various businesses
worldwide. People are using internet for even day to day requirements. In order
to boost your online presence, there are many different strategies that you can
apply. It is very difficult to choose the best among them as it depends upon
the type of business you do. But you should be definitely aware with all of
them apart from search engine optimization techniques for better marketing and
to reach the target audience you want to reach. Some of the most used internet
marketing strategies are listed below:


Viral Marketing – As the name suggests, this type of
internet marketing strategy involves spreading your business on the internet
using various services. It involves picking services who can advertise on your
behalf to give you a better online presence. Article marketing, social
networking etc. are a very good example of this technique.


Video casts– This is one of the fastest growing methods of
internet marketing. In this method small promotional videos regarding your
product is posted on video hosting sites like Youtube and Metacafe. Also such
videos can be posted on the website itself as it is a very good method to
demonstrate your product to visitors.


Podcasts – Podcasts are not widely used method of internet
marketing. It is some what similar to video casts but the only difference is
that the presentation has only sound and no vision. Though it is not widely
usedFeature Articles, it can add a new dimension to your advertisement scenario.


Blogs – Creating blogs based on your website is also a good
internet marketing methodology. The target audience can post their views
regarding the website and this can really be a great method to be in touch with
your target audience. Many marketing experts consider blog as the voice of a
company to the audience.


Affiliate Marketing – Affiliates are basically websites
which promote your business. They keep your add in form of banners or text ads
from where users can click and can go to your website. These affiliates charge
the website owner per click basis. Affiliate marketing is an extremely
successful tool for many companies. But managing these affiliate marketing is
not very easy. Real skills and experience is needed to choose among available.


Email Marketing – Sending
mails to your potential customers is also a very nice way to stay connected to
your potential customers. These emails can contain any news related to your
websites. It can contain any offers which you have started on your product. But
care should be taken while designing the mail as putting too many URLs in the
mail can make your mail to be declared as a spam. So instead of the inbox it
will go to the spam folder which is wastage of your effort. 

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Philip Harman


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