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Scientists Aren't Going to Tell You This! (2017-2018)

Scientists Aren't Going to Tell You This! (2017-2018)

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Scientists Aren't Going to Tell You This! (2017-2018)

NASA Wants This Footage Banned From The Internet…


One of the most disturbing things going on in society now is the fact that us common folk have to rely on large government ran agency’s to transport so much information to us. I mean think about it, if we really needed to know the biggest secrets circling the world, where would we turn? Well, hopefully your first stop would be Top 5 Supreme! Today we have a very special episode for you, called NASA Wants This Video Banned From the Internet! Before we get started with today’s video don’t forget to click the bell to get notified every single day with the best Top’s you’ll ever see. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to this channel. So let’s get rolling!

#5 7 Earth Sized Planets

Even though the year is 2018 and humans have been searching the skies for hundreds of years, a brand new, record breaking discovery was just made. Astronomers have recently found 7 new earth sized planets that are surprisingly similar to earth. The planets surround a particular star that’s far smaller than our sun, but the star caught there attention because it seems that the star is growing dimmer everyday. Or, it could just be that it’s planets are rotating in between the star and our earth based telescopes, causing the brightness to go down. Nontheless, it is an amazing discovery that astronomers are super excited about. This also brings the total number of discovered planets to a staggering 3,449. You really gonna tell me that there isn’t life on ANY of them?

#4 New Bacterial Life

Recently scientists discovered a brand new form of bacterial life in 2 different clean rooms that are nowhere near each other. One was in Florida and the other was in South America. The important thing about these recent findings is that if and when we discovery life in space, wherever that may be, we would have to examine it against known earthy microbes, just to rule out the possibility that it isn’t something that we just carried out there from here. We’ll definitely keep you updated as to what scientists say as a result of this recent discovery.

#3 Habitable Zone

Recently NASA’s Kepler Mission discovered it’s first earth sized planet located in what scientists call ‘the habitable zone’. This is huge news for many reasons, but primarily because it could be the first real discovery that could lead to life in outer space finally being discovered. While the planet is about 10% larger than earth, it does fit into the habitable zone for the star that it orbits. There is one major difference from the earth, however. The star that this planet orbits is far less powerful than our sun, in fact, the most energy it receives from its star is only about the strength we get from our soon about an hour before it sets. The planet, named Kepler 186f, is about 500 light years away from Earth, so it may be a little while still before we have that extraterrestrial life proof that we’re all so desperately searching for.

#2 NASA’s Big Discovery

So apparently sometimes NASA does indeed make some big announcements, and about a month ago it did just that. The discovery was that NASA had finally confirmed that Mars does indeed possess the quote ‘building blocks of life’. That’s right, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover was launched back in 2012, and it wasn’t until 2018 that they made the announcement that the red planet contains organic molecules. This suggests that there either was or still if competent life on Mars. That’s right folks, we could be on the brink of one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time!

#1 Newborn Planet

Check out this picture, which is what scientists in Germany are saying is the first image of a newborn baby planet! They’re saying this planet is about 370 lightyears away from the earth, soooo you may not want to Uber there. . . that would get expensive. But it is interesting and cool to see what planets look like when they’re brand new! Obviously it takes a pretty large telescope to see that far, and I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to what else that thing can find in outer space! And that is today’s list! Thanks for watching today’s video. If you like this list, leave a thumbs up and share with all of your friends! And don’t forget to subscribe to this channel so you never have to miss out on any of our interesting video sever again!

Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery – GoSoundtrack

Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) – Dj Quads :

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NASA Wants This Video Banned From The Internet...

Philip Harman


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