A Video Collection

Relax 8 Hours-Relaxing Nature Sounds-Study-Sleep-Meditation-Water Sounds-Bird Song

If you find this video helpful in your life please consider subscribing to this channel as your subscription will help to get these videos out to others who will also find them helpful in their lives. Thank you for your support. Nature Sounds for Relaxation and Meditation. The calming sound of nature will help if you have insomnia and want to sleep better, also for better concentration as a study aid or if you feel like relaxing.

1 Hour HD Nature Videos as mp4 downloads. https://gumroad.com/relaxingnaturevideos Natures calming sounds and vision captured for your viewing pleasure.

Great classic novels as Audio Book mp3 downloads or as unique sensory videos https://gumroad.com/childrensaudiobooks

If you’re not sure, an mp4 is a downloadable DVD of sorts and an mp3, a downloadable CD.

This is one of a series of videos designed for various needs:- as a calming sound to play in the background while studying or as a soothing sound to play while you sleep. These videos can be used for many relaxation requirements, let me know how you use this video. With each video there will be a tip to help you with your studying or how to achieve a relaxed sleep.

With this video I have included the first of the tips on how to get the most out of your study sessions.

For the second 8 Hour video in this series and Study Tip No.2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzM7R6Vzp4s

For the third 8 Hour video in this series and Study Tip No.3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G8LAiHSCAs

For the fourth 8 Hour video in this series and Study Tip No.4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txvn1jQk1hM

How to Study Effectively

Quality focus is necessary for effective study. It’s difficult to make headway in any learning program without an effective study plan. If it is exams you are studying for, quality focus is what will get you those extra marks, potentially elevating you into the next grade.

Set aside a quiet place where you can work regularly. This place should be dedicated to study, free of potential distractions from friends, family and even pets.

Keep the space simple and tidy, get rid of clutter.
Your chair should be firm and comfortable to help avoid back problems and neck strain.

Make sure that your study area is well lit and has an ambient temperature where you can focus. The quality of focus determines the quality of understanding, thus enabling you to apply what you learn.
Regular work in such an environment helps form good, effective study habits, improves concentration and focus. Minimize distractions, as they waste precious time and cause tension.

Cómo estudiar con eficacia

Es necesario para el estudio eficaz enfoque de calidad. Es difícil avanzar en cualquier programa de aprendizaje sin un plan de estudio eficaz. Si se trata de los exámenes que se están estudiando para, el enfoque de calidad es lo que va a conseguir que esas marcas adicionales, potencialmente elevar al grado siguiente.

Ponga a un lado un lugar tranquilo donde se puede trabajar con regularidad. Este lugar debe ser dedicado a estudiar, libre de potenciales distracciones de amigos, familiares e incluso mascotas.

Mantenga el simple espacio y ordenado, deshacerse de desorden.
Su silla debe ser firme y cómodo para ayudar a evitar problemas de espalda y la tensión del cuello.

Asegúrese de que el área de estudio está bien iluminado y tiene una temperatura ambiente donde se puede enfocar. La calidad de atención determina la calidad de la comprensión, lo que le permite aplicar lo que aprende.
El trabajo regular en dicho entorno ayuda a formar buenos, hábitos de estudio eficaces, mejora la concentración y el enfoque. Reduzca al mínimo las distracciones, ya que perder un tiempo precioso y causan tensión.

Relax 8 Hours-Relaxing Nature Sounds-Study-Sleep-Meditation-Water Sounds-Bird Song

© Johnnie Lawson All rights reserved

Additional sounds are by Inchadney, Benboncan and volivieri from Freesound.org and have a Creative Commons Attribution Unported 3.0 (CC BY3.0) License. They can be downloaded from the following links:-
http://www.freesound.org/people/Benboncan/sounds/73039/ http://www.freesound.org/people/volivieri/sounds/38391/ http://www.freesound.org/people/volivieri/sounds/60150/
You can now get your favourite ‘Nature Scene’ Soundscapes as 8 Hour mp3 downloads. https://gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds

Channel:- http://www.youtube.com/user/johnnielawson

Video:- http://youtu.be/eKFTSSKCzWA
Video Rating: / 5

Relax 8 Hours-Relaxing Nature Sounds-Study-Sleep-Meditation-Water Sounds-Bird Song

Philip Harman


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