Hobbies Hobby Ideas

How To Find Good Deals on Craft Supplies

How To Find Good Deals on Craft Supplies

A lot of people who are just starting to make their own crafts at home get caught up in all the magazines and books and craft supply catalogs and begin thinking that the only way to actually buy craft supplies are through specialized stores and catalogs. I know people who make and sell a lot of craft items but they are barely breaking even because they are spending a lot of money on materials and not pricing the things they make very well.

And while I love visiting a new craft store and can spend hours pouring through the latest supply and crafting magazine or catalog, sometimes searching in more unique stores and shops can yield some amazing finds. Here are some unique and unexpected places you can start looking for craft supplies:

Discount and warehouse stores: We have several different chains of stores in my area that specialize in over run items, dented and dinged merchandise and things that have simply been discontinued. Their stock rotates pretty regularly and one week they may have a pallet of cook books for $ 5.00 a piece while the next week they have bed sheets and pillows for a steal. I always check their craft sections because every now and then they have piles and piles of craft supplies from some big chain craft store that closed down somewhere. I usually end up filling a hand basket filled with beads and scrap booking stickers and even some art paint and knitting supplies when stumble across them because I know that they won’t be around next week!

Hardware stores: Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but if you’re looking to add some fun and unique craft tools and supplies then you really have to think about going to a hardware store and looking over their sections of fasteners, screws and even nails. I’ve picked up grommets, washers, and even some cool little metal clasps from my local hardware store and used them all in different craft pieces. Many hardware stores now have paint chips and even small samples of paint which can be used in a number of different craft projects. You can even make jewelry out of some of the washers and screws you find there!

Both of these types of stores are great places for finding amazing deals on unique and affordable craft supplies.

So keep an eye out the next time you’re shopping for soap or picking up some dish soap at the store: you might just be moments away from discovering some great discounted craft supplies!

You can use the tips above to find all sorts of great deals on cheap beads for jewelry making as well as cheap craft supplies of all type!

Philip Harman


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