
How to Excel in the AdWords Fundamentals & Search Advertising Examinations

Are you thinking about getting qualified in Google AdWords examinations? Well, if your answer is yes, you are at the right place. As you go through this article, you will come to know the important tips and tricks to follow to nail these examinations.

Google Partners, the integral program of Google for digital marketing professionals, advertising firms and other online consultants, gives you the facility to be certified in Search Advertising, Display Advertising, Video Advertising, Shopping Advertising and Mobile Advertising. After successfully completing the Google AdWords certification examinations, today I will share my thoughts that can help you to pass the AdWords Fundamentals and Search Advertising examinations with flying colors.

Topics to Cover

The major topics that you need to cover are as mentioned below:

• An introduction of AdWords, fundamental things related to it and basic benefits of it on businesses

• Important tools to measure performance

• Campaign management

• Overview on CPM (Cost per Thousand Impression), PPC (Pay per Click), CPC (Cost per Click) and CPA (Cost per Acquisition)

• Rules for creating attractive advertisements, basic formats

• Overview on AdWords reporting and account performance monitoring

• Ways to optimize performance

• Budget and bidding strategies

• Overview on AdWords Application Programming Interface

You must remember that you have to pass both the examinations to get certified. Now, I will discuss some tips and tricks that you can consider as your weapons to attain success.

• Usually, the candidates do not take any attempt to avail the advantages of available tools. You can read thoroughly Google’s learning center. Also, go through other materials available online, related to your examinations. The informative videos, offered by Google, are also worth to watch to get step-by-step guidance. Do not forget to make notes on each of your lectures.

• It is true that practice makes a man perfect. So while you are reading or watching videos, be active. If you get to know some new things from any video, pause the video and make a note of it. You can also make your own account in Google AdWords and create a campaign. By managing a campaign, you will be able to remember all those things that you have learnt from study materials and videos. If you pause the campaign after creating, it will not cost you any money.

• You can try your hands on some practice quizzes. This way, you will feel more confident before taking the actual examinations on Google Partners.

• Remember that both the examinations will take two hours each. You have to answer a hundred questions for AdWords Fundamentals and ninety-eight questions for Search Advertising. So you have to be real quick while taking the examinations. I will recommend that whatever you have learnt already from videos and study materials write them down in easy to grasp format. This way you will get the mental picture of whatever you have learnt. You will not feel any need to see your physical notes further.

• Read each question carefully. Understand them completely and then answer. Remember, after selecting the answer and clicking on next, you cannot go back. You cannot stop the timer either. Therefore, keep your mind free from all distractions and take the examinations with full concentration.

• Make sure that your computer will give you support throughout the entire examination. If the battery fails or you shut down the computer accidentally, you will lose the time because the timer will not stop in any circumstance.

If you follow the above-mentioned guidelines, you will certainly excel in the AdWords examinations. I am satisfied with the examination format. Now I am a certified AdWords professional. Hope the experience and knowledge I have shared in this article will help you. Let me know how well you pass the examinations and enjoy your experience.

Philip Harman


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