
Holidays Are Alive And Well If We Just Believe

Just checking – does anyone know what Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter were all about? When was the last time your children laughed and planned for a holiday – not even considering if the upcoming date was “politically correct” across the globe? Did your family sit down and bring back memories of past holidays and decide what to do again or even what to add to make that date even more “memorable” or did you just “text” them instead?

Holidays were instituted to make “family time” and activities open to families to not only include the immediate family, but relatives, neighbors, and many we don’t even know but could help with food, clothing, or just a handshake. It was a “day of rest” and relaxation – away from the drill of everyday life. People visited, got dressed up, went to the church of their choice, smiled, hugged, and yes, actually used words to talk to each other. Before the era of “staying connected” made life just a text away, people looked into each other’s eyes, smiled, men shook hands and ladies hugged, children had their cheeks pinched and old people got to hear their grandchildren’s voices tell them what their world was like that day. This may sound “barbaric” to today’s up and coming world inhabitants – but it was people with people, not individuals using one finger to wish everyone a “Happy Holiday” that really has no meaning to either the sender or recipient – it is just a day of “shopping” and “retailing” without the bother of tradition, love, respect, and friendship. Cold yes – but politically correct.

Easter bonnets, Halloween trick or treaters, the Thanksgiving turkey and trimmings, the Mother’s Day bouquet, and Father’s Day fishing pole, and so forth are gone – because your I-phone told you that the world is just too busy, too up to date, and all that other fluff was childish and a waste of time. You believe that your “device” knows best, and when it tells you what to believe, what to do, and how to behave – well that is a “done deal.” When a tragedy enters your life and whether your phone is in your hand or not, memories have an evil way of touching your heartstrings, and making your eyes water a bit because the old past is ingrained in who you are, and you have pretty much pushed all this into a closet in your soul, but it got out. Don’t wait for a sad event to draw you back into life – the world actually will keep spinning even if you put your phone down for a bit, and you don’t answer that tweet the second it arrives.

All holidays were meant to be a family and people celebration. People having a cook-out, sipping eggnog in front of the Christmas tree, or adults actually going through the trick or treat bag to find their favorite chocolate bar – these were the hallmarks of what society was created for – but then technology and correctness bullied their way into lives. Schools no longer allow parties for the little ones because some may believe differently or be offended – ask yourself what little child could be offended by a Valentine heart – maybe it would be their parents but the child would only feel the friendship, and love between two little souls that can laugh and giggle as they eat a scary cat cookie at a Halloween party, or hold up a fist full of construction paper flowers they made in school to give to Mom.

It is never too late to stop the madness in your own life and that of your family. Bring back true holidays – plan for them and celebrate the richness they bring to your life. Remember you don’t have to spend a fortune to celebrate – in fact, it is “politically correct” today to make your own party favors, cook your own family feast, and even send out – yes, by mail – invitations to your get together. However, be prepared for tweets about what to do with that envelope that someone put in the brick and mortar mailbox – it’s a strange square with writing on it and a stamp – someone please explain what a person is to do with this? Enjoy life because life was meant to be enjoyed by all but humans have a way of spoiling all the fun and turning things into mundane, technically handled, no feeling tragedies. Bypass what today’s doers and shakers feel about holidays, celebrate, open the door of your home and heart, and you may just forget where you put your device – okay, only kidding because that may still be in the realm of wishful dreaming.

©Arleen Schindler

Philip Harman


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