Showing: 34 - 36 of 118 Articles

6 Business Invoicing Tips

Do you run a business? If so, you need to write invoices. Even if you are a professional, you still need to write invoices in order to get paid. This is an important process and requires that you invest in an invoice creation app. With this type of software, you can turn this time consuming …

How Leaders Manage Remote Employees

When managing employees who will be working remotely there are many dos and don’t to follow. Here are a few of the most basic, and also most powerful to consider if you have decided to outsource or allow your employees to work from home. Make your primary focus on their productivity. At the end of …

Affiliate Strategy For Recurring Income

Most of us are familiar with the advantages of following the affiliate products business model in our beginner Internet marketing efforts. This makes sense due to the simplicity of the affiliate marketing process. Since you are promoting someone else’s products, you don’t have to worry about customer support after the sale. The product owner provides …