
Affiliate Marketing – The Real Truth Exposed

The Real Truth of Affiliate Marketing

If you’re interested in affiliate marketing, you’ve probably seen a lot of sales letters.

Received a lot of E mails.

Maybe bought a few products.

And yet you’re still wondering how on earth this works?

Or even, if it works…

But I bet you’ve never read an article like this. One that will actually tell you the real truth about affiliate marketing.

Let’s start at the beginning.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Put simply, as an affiliate marketer you are selling someone else’s product, in exchange for a commission. You’re the broker, the middle man, the agent.

So no product creation, no hours of agonising over what people really want. No creating sales funnels, no adding bonuses, no trying to get price points right. All that is taken care of by the product creator.

You just promote someone’s product and every time they make a sale through one of your leads, you get paid.

So your only job is to send leads, usually in the form of traffic, to the ready-made sales funnel.

You quite literally have just one job… drive traffic to the offer.

But this happens everywhere… it is not just limited to the Online Business online niche.

OK Michael, Give Me An Every Day Example of An Affiliate.

They are everywhere you look.

Take Moneysupermarket, for example.

They sell insurance, loans, credit cards etc but they don’t provide those services.

They drive traffic to the various offers and get paid a commission each time someone buys, no matter what it is. All that is affiliate marketing, just on a huge scale.

I Could Never Manage That!

But here is the beauty of it. You don’t need to be the next Moneysupermarket, or the next anyone for that matter.

It is totally possible to make a lot of money by anyone’s standards, by just taking a tiny share of a very large pie. There is huge potential out there, and you only need a fraction of that to be highly successful.

It isn’t easy (if it was, everyone would be doing it) but equally it is very achievable too.

So What’s The Key?

Keep it simple.

This is a very simple business model which often gets overcomplicated. As you’ve just read, the real truth is very different is very simple and very straightforward. With the right training and guidance from the outset, you can make a massive success of this.

All you need to do is start down the right path.

This is the single biggest difference between those who succeed and those who fall by the wayside is the training and guidance they receive from the get go.

Get that right and the world really is your oyster.

Philip Harman


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