Every successful person had failures at some point in their life, and every happy person had sad moments in life at one point or another. What makes them different? They did not allow their negative experiences in life to change them, or their goals in life.

We can all relate to them. We have challenges in life, some are minor, but others are more serious, and some of these events may rob us of our joy in life. They could even make us feel worthless, thus we are getting down on ourselves. But how can we wrestle with our challenges in a state of misery, and still be joyful, despite of what is happening?

Instead of letting the lingering challenges get us down, we can think of all the positive things we have done in the past, and appreciate ourselves for them. We can look at our accomplishments, no matter how small. Remember, we are not just referring to monetary gain when talking about accomplishments.

We may have helped someone solve a problem that they needed help with, we may have helped successfully raise funds for a worthy cause, or we may have encouraged someone who was feeling low. There are a lot of things where we made a positive impact in someone else’s life.

In having success in life, we are always joyful. Why not set short-term goals that are a little easier to attain? Achieving such goals will give us success that we can build on, and brings us joy!

Something else that will always bring joy in your life is showing others kindness. You can look for opportunities to offer help or give gifts to people.

Last but not least, never harbor resentment against anyone, even if you feel it is justified. It will rob you of your peace of mind. Practice forgiveness to relieve you of that stress.

To live a joyful life, always focus on the positive things in your life.

By Herb Ratsch

Philip Harman


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