
7 Ways to Make Money With Content Online

Over the last 6-7 years that I’ve made my living online I’ve discovered, as a writer, that there are huge opportunities for writers online.

Here are the 7 ways that I’ve made money by writing online:

1> Writing articles and selling the rights to other webmasters who want to re-produce the articles on their websites

2> Writing articles and reports available only to those who have paid to access my “collection”

3> Writing informative newsletters and selling ads in them

4> Writing about products and services I like, have purchased and found useful. Then I create a ‘link’ to the website that sells the product …if any of my subscribers buy, I get a commission

5> I create programs that allow others to resell my written content and charge a fee for them to do so

6> I write other people’s ezines for a fee

7> I create simple websites, add some articles or other content and sell them. I made as much as $8,875 on one simple website I created and sold

The Internet is a goldmine for writers like me and you and the possibilities are endless.

If you can’t write, there are services you can use to get other people to do the writing for you. Just makes sure if they do, you hire them on a “Work for Hire” basis, which means that you receive the exclusive copyright for the article they produced for you. If they do not agree to that, don’t hire them.

Philip Harman


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