Business Entrepreneur

The Six Pillars Of A Complete Marketing Strategy

An effective Marketing strategy needs to do six key things, all of which are interrelated:

(1) Promote

(2) Educate

(3) Attract

(4) Support

(5) Solidify

(6) Broaden

They all have to be done simultaneously in a continuous cycle, because your target customers will all be at different stages. So while one customer may be getting promoted to, the other may be being educated, and another, converted and so on.

By fulfilling and actively executing initiatives from each pillar, your business will be covering all areas of the business and communicating at all stages of the buying process. This Marketing structure is thorough and will ensure you’re maximising your marketing strength to work best for you in all areas of the business.

Here is a further explanation of each pillar and some examples that your business can adopt.

First, Promote- this is all about letting potential customers know who you are.

– Advertising and promotion

– Social Media Posts

– Business Pages

– Paid social media advertising

– Google AdWords

– Networking

– Business Partnerships

Second, Educate- now people know about you, you want to let them know you are not only knowledgeable, but a key opinion leader.

– Set up a blog on your website

– LinkedIn comments, sharing and articles

– Facebook content

– Regular content posts

– Papers and articles

– Newsletters

Third, Attract- they are keen, so now you lay down a call to action and an incentive to contact you.

– Stronger driving content plus call-to-action

– “What we do” video

– “Why choose us” video

– Value, customer-based incentives that appeal

Forth, Support- when they contact you, you need marketing to support your sales efforts.

– Pre-sale materials

– Sales Aids

– After-sale materials

Fifth, Solidify- You’ve made the sale or contract, now you need to retain them and keep them happy.

– Regular surveys

– Reminders and “check ins”

– Phone call scripts

– Regular surveys

– Feedback channels

Lastly, Broaden- Now it’s time to get your satisfied customers to work for you.

– Customer testimonials

– Customer video

– Shareable content via social media

– Surveys and satisfaction

– Incentives for customer referrals

If your business is conducting efficient and effective marketing tactics at each pillar, then congratulations! You have a solid Marketing approach and will be experiencing amazing results! If not, then perhaps you need to work out where your tactics may not be as effective as they could be and bolster each pillar so the whole marketing strategy is working for you business.



Philip Harman


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