Affiliate marketing is like being a commission paid salesperson. Your job is to promote and sell other people’s products or services. When you make a sale, the product owner pays you commission. Below are 5 affiliate marketing tips that you can very easily put into action straight away to help your online business.

1. Stick With What You Know.

The first of our affiliate marketing tips is to never try and promote a product or service that you are unfamiliar with, even if the commissions are very tempting. You will have to do a lot of research about it and you’ll have to rely on the details given by the product vendor. If you don’t understand it, the chances are that your target audience won’t either.

2. Select The Right Program To Suit You.

All affiliate marketing programs have their advantages and disadvantages. You need to find the one that provides you with what you need in a program. Before you start promoting any particular product, read the sales page carefully and compare it with others. Do you feel compelled to buy? If not, why should your customers? Check the product sales pages to find ones with great copy, good bonuses and reasonable prices.

3. Mask Your Affiliate Links.

There are devious scam artists out there that can swap your affiliate link and substitute it with their own. They can edit your cookies with their own information. When they do this they can to claim your affiliate profits for themselves. Masking your links prevents them from doing this and you don’t have to worry about visitors removing your affiliate ID and buying the product directly. Do some homework to learn how to hide your affiliate links to make it more difficult for a scam artist to take control of them.

4. Don’t Stick To Just One Product.

How affiliate marketing works successfully for a lot of online entrepreneurs is using different affiliate programs and promoting them with one website. Make sure you choose products that are related with each other so you can stay on topic with your website and also still market the items effectively. For example, if your website is about golf, you can find affiliate programs that offer things like clubs, clothing, tuition, golf holidays etc.

5. Produce Your Own Compelling Squeeze Pages.

The best affiliate marketing companies offer their affiliates free reportsArticle Search, ebooks or videos to give away to prospective customers. These items offer an excellent opportunity for you to generate leads for your business as you can provide them for for free if somebody signs up to your list. To do this you need to produce attention grabbing squeeze pages.

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Philip Harman


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