Productivity Tips

3 Feedback Conversations That Manage Performance Across Organizations

The Millennial is hungry for feedback, which can play a significant role in managing performance appraisals too. The process of consistently providing well-documented feedback is something that every Millennial expects in an organization. And this expectation is justified as it sits well with best practices that can benefit managers across the board in a firm.

For this purpose, the business will have to emphasize on feedback conversations that can improve the way employees work. The implementation of these ongoing feedback conversations, however, does not mean that the business can do away with the formal semi-annual (or annual) trips to the meeting room for discussing feedback against the performance goals-that is an important task. So, now, without ado, let us get the low-down on these three ongoing feedback conversations that make continuous improvement effectiveness within a firm.

The virtual conversation

This conversation is useful whenever the manager has to give feedback in real time. With all the pieces of communication technology available these days, the growing demand for a quick feedback cannot be ignored. Nowadays, there are a lot of chat tools (which are readily embraced by the Millennial) that are specifically meant for commercial settings; some of these tools include HipChat, Campfire, Grove IRC, Grove IRC, Google Hangouts and Flowdock.

These chat clients have streamlined the communication channel that exists between teammates and managers. Whenever the employees have a well-defined set of performance goals, chat technologies can become a real asset when it comes to reinforcing positive behavior among the team. For example, if the manager keys in a couple of encouraging words for an employee, they will mean a lot for that subordinate. However, this ongoing feedback style must not be adhered while the managers want to give exhaustive, detailed, complex messages.

The keep-the-talks-going conversation

To maintain a good relation at work, the teammates will need to have a heart-to-heart with each other. Such open dialogues are necessary for fostering trust and honesty between the seniors and the subordinates. These conversations can have detailed discussions about the checkpoints of the team; and such discussions can go up till weeks, too-hence the name.

Plus, such ongoing conversations will be a better way for managers to analyze their team’s strengths and weaknesses; and then provide the teammates holistic feedback. If the company’s managers or HRs have any problems to carry out such conversation styles, then they must seek help from one of the leading organizational development consulting firms that can teach them the ropes. If managers keep the flow of a conversation (or feedback) normal, improvements within the firm’s workforce will be more organic and impactful.

The constructive conversation

While providing developmental feedback, this style of conversations has to be opted. Under this form of conversation, the managers must resort to the “compliment sandwich” feedback approach where the employees are given first the positive feedback; and then it is followed by a constructive criticism.

The focus of this feedback is to make the employees feel more positive about their work while carrying out constructive, meaningful criticisms so that they can improve. This approach is best suited whenever the employee is a new team member and must not receive any criticism on the very first day.

We are done for now, readers. If this post is really useful, then we will urge you to share it with others so that the knowledge spreads and so that the business can make more informed decisions in the future.

Philip Harman


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